Abadín (Galician pronunciation: [aβaˈðiŋ]) is a municipality in the province of Lugo, Galicia, Spain. It covers 196.1 km2 and has a population of 3,250 for a population density of 16.57/km2. It resides in the region of Terra Cha. Abadín is situated in the north-east of Terra Chá. The municipality is crossed by the Serra do Xistral, the Cordal de Neda, and the rivers Labrada and Abadín. The mean elevation is of 500 m, and the highest point is Lombo Pequeno at 1015 m. The countryside of Abadín is dominated by a fertile valley, crossed by the rivers Ouro, Labrada, Abadín, Pontiga, Santandrea, Pedrido, Anllo, Arnela, and Fraga Vella, and surrounded by mountains. They are the important sierras of Cordal de Neda, Toxoso, Tremoal, Couto da Cal, and A Fraga das Vigas, and the nearby mountains of Costa do Sol and O Picouto. The mean annual temperature is about 10 °C. The rainfalls are high, 1799 mm./year. The winters are cold and rainy, and the summers are dry. Historically Abadín has been linked to the Ancient Mondonedo Province (Ancient Galicia Kingdom) and the monastic sites of Meira or Lourenza Abbey. These religious and political centres have been related to the arrival by sea in the 5th-6th centuries of Britons from the British Isles (see Bishop Maeloc and Britonia) The landscape of the municipality of Abadín is configured inside a fertile valley crossed by several rivers and streams and surrounded by mountains. Morphologically there are two units: the first consists of a series of mountain ridges which include the Sierra de Carba in the west with the Pena da Agua (832 m), Sierra del Gistral in the northwest and the Sierra de Toxiza in the northeast with the Coto Cal (804 m). These elevations make up the northern edge of the Lugo plateau. The second unit constitutes the gently undulating, horizontal and morphological area of erosion which surfaces between 400 and 600 meters with the only elevation at Neda's Peak (796 meters) in the Cordal de Neda. The highest point is Lombo Pequeño with an elevation of 1,027 meters in the Sierra del Gistral.
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Abadín is a stopover point on The Camino del Norte. You can reach Santiago de Compostela in 7 days.
where to sleep
Casa Goas
, guest houses
23 Avenida de Galicia abadin
Albergue Goas
, hostels
avenida de galicia 23, Abadin
Albergue Xabarín
, hostels
Avenida de Galicia, 28 Bajo
Xabarin Rooms
, guest houses
Avenida de Galicia 28, 1º
Albergue de peregrinos de Gontán
, hostels
Praza Campo da Feira 11
Albergue o Xistral
, hostels
Lugar Paredes 35 Castromaior
Casa Bracamonte
, guest houses
Jose María Pardo, 23 / 27740 Mondoñedo - Lugo / España
Albergue de peregrinos de Mondoñedo
, hostels
Camino da Valada, 2
Camino de Estrellas
, guest houses
progreso 28
, hostels
show complete list
Casa Goas
, guest houses€ € / ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Albergue Goas
, hostels€ / ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Albergue Xabarín
, hostels€ / ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Xabarin Rooms
, guest houses€ € € / ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Albergue de peregrinos de Gontán
, hostels€ / ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Albergue o Xistral
, hostels€ / ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Casa Bracamonte
, guest houses€ € € / ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Albergue de peregrinos de Mondoñedo
, hostels€ / ★ ★ ★ -
Camino de Estrellas
, guest houses€ € / ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
, hostels€ / ★ ★ ★ ★ ★