The Camino del Norte The pilgrimage trail along the cantabrian coast

The Camino del Norte

The pilgrimage trail along the cantabrian coast

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The Camino del Norte or the Northern Way is the route used by the first pilgrims from the northern Iberian peninsula and also by those who, by land or sea, came from other areas of northern Europe to go to the tomb of the Apostle James in Santiago de Compostela. It starts from Irun, in the Basque territories, at the border between Spain and France and moves along the Cantabrian coast until Galicia where it rejoins with the French Way nearby the town Arzua. It is a 825 km long route which can be walked in about 30/35 days. The variety of landscapes and the hospitality of its people make this journey an unforgettable experience for those who undertake it. They travel through small villages on the sea, and then urban stretches with unique natural beauties. Other popular starting points are: Bilbao in the Basque Country and Santander in Cantabria.

Map of The Camino del Norte

Download the map of The Camino del Norte

Plan your route with the The Camino del Norte App

With our guides you will be able to personalize duration and difficulty of the routes based on your own wishes and walking pace. In a few clicks you can create your personalized hiking guides. Choose your starting point, your arrival point and, if you wish, even a middle point where to take a break.

Download or print the PDF guide of The Camino del Norte

The Forwalk paper guide is an A5 format mini-book with all the information on your chosen paths, the detailed maps, the list of hotels and much more. It is very easy to consult and to carry along during your trip. This guide is completely personalized to your needs and made available to you digitally (Acrobat Reader PDF file), to be accessed through smartphones and tablets or printed by you. You can also order it already printed in color on glossy paper, and delivered to you as a finely bound book.

Download the gpx routes map of The Camino del Norte

GPX tracks are maps that you can download on GPS device to take with you on your walk. Our GPX tracks include routes with details of places such as shops, restaurants, lodgings, drinking fountains and springs.

Our GPX tracks are tested on the following devices : Garmin ETREX 22x, Garmin eTrex Touch 35, Garmin Oregon 700, Garmin GPS MAP 66